Packages & Products

Heartfelt Coaching

We offer 1:1 coaching in several formats and packages.  We believe coaching is for everyone so we provide different options to suit different working/learning styles and different circumstances.

Heartfelt Products

Our two standalone coaching products are available for those who wish to accelerate their progress and those who may have an immediate work-related decision to make.

Heartfelt Coaching Packages

  • Series Coaching Package

    This is our core coaching package of 1:1 virtual coaching sessions.

    This option is most helpful if you prefer regular, pre-scheduled appointments over an agreed period of time.

  • "Use As You Go" Coaching Package

    This offers you the option to buy a block of virtual coaching time upfront, and then use it in shorter or longer sessions as and when you need.

    This option is most helpful if you appreciate greater flexibility and you want more immediate access to coaching support.

  • Hybrid Coaching Package

    This is a blended programme, offering a mix of e-mail and 1:1 coaching. With an allocation of coaching minutes that can be allocated flexibly over the duration of the programme.

    This option is most helpful if you prefer more reflection time or if your schedule makes it tricky to commit to lots of 1:1 sessions.

  • Self-Coaching Package

    Our self-coaching programme is delivered almost exclusively via e-mail and/or voice note communication.

    This option is most helpful if you are less keen on the 1:1 format and can work well independently or if you want to do your coaching during “unsociable hours”.

Heartfelt Products

  • Personalised Coaching Retreat

    This is an exclusive, bespoke 2 or 3-day coaching retreat which we design together. Doing intensive coaching away from daily life helps change our energy and shift our perspective.

    This option is most helpful if you want concentrated face-to-face coaching and want to commit a chunk of time to accelerate your progress.

  • One-off Coaching Conversation

    This is a 90-minute virtual 1:1 coaching conversation. It’s part of our coaching package, because sometimes you need a rapid-response coaching session.

    This option is most helpful if you have an immediate work-related decision to make or set of time-critical circumstances, when a coaching session will help you to think through your options and get more clarity.

Download Our FREE Resource.

Download our free Heartfelt Mini Work Audit – which takes you through a series of self-coaching exercises to help you explore how you think and feel about work right now. We provide some frameworks and questions to support you to take stock and reflect.  Grab this opportunity to do some self-coaching!  And let us know how you get on.